Senin, 18 April 2016

Aurora Moi Love


Kali ini saya mau membahas salah satu fenomena menakjubkan yang ada di bumi tercinta kita, yaitu fenomena Aurora aka Aurora Borealis (di sekitar North Pole) atau Aurora Australis (di sekitar South Pole). Btw, udah pada tau Aurora itu apa?

"Aurora adalah fenomena alam yang menyerupai pancaran cahaya yang menyala-nyala pada lapisan ionosfer dari sebuah planet sebagai akibat adanya interaksi antara medan magnetik yang dimiliki planet tersebut dengan partikel bermuatan yang dipancarkan oleh Matahari (angin surya)", kata Wikipedia.

Interaksi medan magnetik dari bumi dan matahari ini menyebabkan langit di planet kita jadi berwarna-warni. Sebenernya sih agak ngeri soalnya semakin lama Aurora terjadi, maka pengaruh badai matahari yang mempengaruhinya semakin kuat, dimana badai itu merupakan siklus peledakan yang sangaaaat dahsyat dari kegiatan puncak sunspot. Yah, tapi mau gimana lagi? Effectnya menyebabkan langit kita jadi cantik banget! Dan aku suka :""")))

Oh iya, fenomena ini jauh lebih jelas dan apik banget kalo diliat malam hari. Tapi sayangnya, cuma bisa ditemukan di sekitar kutub :(

Nih penampakannya biar kalian semakin mupeng berdecak kagum. (Quality nya diganti HD ya, biar semakin badai wkwk)


Yogyakarta, 19 April 2016

Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Pulau Putri: For Those Who Expect Living Like A Princess

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

During vacation last month, my family and I went to Pulau Putri or Princess Island in English for 2D1N. The first time I heard the name, I suddenly thought about one of Indonesian singers who was titled as a princess. Yeah I think you, who read this, know who she is because she’s a bit well-known.

So, Putri Island is one of 105 Islands in Kepulauan Seribu or Thousand Archipelago (Based on Wikipedia). This island is also called as Resort Island because there are not inhabitants life. You can only see a resort with few rooms in house form, I don’t know how to call it, all over the Island (The Island isn’t too big). It’s quite different with another islands in Kepulauan Seribu where you can find local inhabitant existence there. It's suitable for new married couple to honeymoon whom are looking for peace, privacy, and quiet place to release some stresses. In addition, I think this island is cleaner, and is fresher than the others. You don't need to sail to the high sea nor the offshore to find the marvelous underwater life because the underwater life in the foreshore itself is beautifully beautiful either.

Snorkeling in the foreshore. Look, how clear the water is!
Peaceful place
How to access the island then? First, find a travel agent that will help you organize your needs there. Second, come to Ancol, exactly to the dock. Why? Because you will reach the island by boat, not car nor bicycle. It takes an hour thirty minutes to get there.

The boat to get to the island

Talking about cost, it's undeniable to say that it's a bit costly if you compare to Pulau Tidung (Tidung Island), another island in the archipelago. My parents paid around 6 million rupiahs for 4 people. But it depends on the travel agent you take. But seriously, you won't regret for paying much money because the island and its ocean is wonderful :)

Wassalamu'alaikum  wr. wb.